Grapple Saw CS580 smart on a telescopic handler
Together with the Bremer Baumdienst in Germany Westtech produced this amazing video.
As a tree care company in the North of Germany specialized in big tree fellings they received a WOODCRACKER® CS580 smart.
The CEO Maximilian Salzer explains that the machine is attached to a telescopic handler. This combination is perfect for tree removal due to safety reasons. Furthermore, this smart combination of carrier vehicle and attached machine reduces the set-up time tremendously.
Not to forget the tree environment’s unparalleled safety due to the strong grippers of the WOODCRACKER® CS580 smart, which holds the tree during felling! Mr. Salzer points out that the majority of the manual work is not necessary anymore, which equals a massive win in the personal safety for every staff member.
Thanks to the WOODCRACKER® CS580 smart on the telescopic handler, the employees of Bremer Baumdienst accomplish many more tree fellings in the same time with increased safety for both, the environment and the employees!
A very fascinating look behind the scenes!